Music Down in My Soul
Group Name Messiah College Concert Choir
Conductor Linda L. Tedford
Event Messiah
Album ID - 51861-MCD

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1. Glory Be to God (All-Night Vigil)
2. Psalms of David: O Come, Let Us Sing Unto the Lord
3. Psalms of David: How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling (Requiem)
4. If Ye Love Me
5. Two Prayers: Stay With US
6. Two Prayers: Baba Yetu (The Lord's Prayer)
7. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
8. I Love All Beauteous Things
9. Da Coconut Nut
10. Frostiana: The Pasture
11. Frostiana: A Girl's Garden
12. Frostiana: The Road Not Taken
13. Go Where I Send Thee
14. Old Time Religion
15. Music Down In My Soul